Thursday, March 20, 2008

..To Be or Not To Be?..

Although social networks has many implications on Public Relations and all its activities, several ethical issues have risen relevant to this relatively new phenomenon of communication. As Hilary commented in my previous post, “SOCIAL NETWORKING: A NEW PR TOOL”, many employees are using social networks and employers are really worried that some information or bad rumors relevant to their companies might reveal with but consequences for the organization’s image. From the other hand, everybody has the right to voice his/her opinion on a subject even if he is an employee who disagrees with the organization’s activities. Is it??
Ethical questions arise about social networks and employee communications like:
· Is it ethical for an employee to comment on the company’s social network negative things about the organization he/she works for?
· Is it ethical for an employer to monitor or even “punish” an employee who has written negative things about his organization?

Could someone comment on this dilemma?


Breeze said...

Ethical or not, I think that if a person starts slagging his/her organization off, albeit on its own social networking site, it is time for that person to move on to pastures new.

On the other hand, a negative comment from an employee on a website should serve as a warning light for the organization that perhaps internal communications need to be looked at a little bit closer! The bottom line is that disagreements between an employee and its employer should not be dealt with in cyberspace.

Jelena said...

Let’s say you're telling bad things about your boss to someone in a pub, and someone who knows your boss hears you? You'd get fired! So why should it be any different with doing the same thing on a social networking site? It is only worse in the since that more people will be exposed to what you've said. That is why these sites are called social networking sites and not personal frustration outlet sites.